Here is an updated version of the script I had at which exports a specified MySQL table. After couple of requests I got, I made some changes to the script to download all the tables of a specific database. Let me know if u catch any bugs.
#Name of the Database to export can be sent via GET variable called 'db'
mysql_connect("localhost","root","******") or die("Connection to MySQL failed");
mysql_select_db($dbToExport) or die("Couldn't connect to DB");
#Get all tables in the database
$mTblQuery="show tables";
#Loop through the table names
#Store output of the table name
$dataStr.="Table : \t".$tblRow["Tables_in_".$dbToExport]."\r\n";
#Select all records from the table
$mQuery="select * from `".$tblRow["Tables_in_".$dbToExport]."`";
#Get no of fields in the table
$numFields=mysql_num_fields($mResult) or die(mysql_error());
#Get all fields in the table
#Store output of fieldnames
#Store output of all the records
foreach($tblFields as $tblField){
$recData=str_replace("\r\n"," ",$row[$tblField]);
$recData=str_replace("\n"," ",$recData);
$recData=str_replace("\t"," ",$recData);
#Force the browser to download the file
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=export_$dbToExport.xls");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Expires: 0");
echo $dataStr;//Display Stored Output
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